Update: On September 12th, 2018 at 12h30 CET summer time (GMT+2) the Energy Endeavour Foundation hosted a webinar to present information on the Solar Decathlon Europe 2021 Call for Cities.
Through the Adobe Connect platform provided by the German Research Network, DFN, interested cities across Europe dialed in for this virtual gathering. The webinar provided a short, comprehensive recap of the SDE21 Call for Cities and reviewed important information regarding timelines, requirements and criteria for bidding cities.
In case you were not able to join in on the Webinar, the webinar has been made available on the DFN website (see below).
The online recording is available at: https://webconf.vc.dfn.de/py6x3lt5q5j5/ (Adobe Flash PlugIn or Adobe Connect required) <br>
The PDF of the Webinar is available here: https://solardecathlon.eu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/SDE21_C4C_webinar_f.pdf