The Solar Decathlon Europe 2021 (in 2022) took place over summer in the German city of Wuppertal. This international event gathered multidisciplinary researchers and sustainability experts to showcase cutting-edge research and technologies surrounding sustainable architecture, renewable energy, water, waste and food systems. The ultimate outcomes catalysed the transition towards a socially inclusive and ecologically regenerative future.
We are happy to echo the official SDE21»22 programme, which has been released by the SDE21»22 Host City Executives. The event took place from the 10th – 26th June, 2022. At the heart of the SDE21»22 were eighteen Teams who breathed life into their concepts, transforming them into tangible and functional buildings. The Teams’ eighteen innovative prototypes formed part of a living laboratory to further explore resource-responsible communities. Visitors were given guided tours of the Solar Campus to gain a glimpse into the future of sustainable cities.
Programme Schedule
The Wuppertal Solar Campus will be open to visitors for guided tours on the following eleven days in June 2022: 10th-12th, 16th-19th and 22nd-26th. These guided tours are excellent opportunities for networking and learning more about sustainability sciences. During the non-public days, various technical measurements and jury visits will determine the SDE21»22 final results and winning Teams.

The Ultimate Destination for Urban Sustainability
The SDE21»22 included multiple avenues for engagement, as it encompassed conferences, exhibitions, talks and tours. The Director of Architecture Dr-Ing. Katharina Simon from the University of Wuppertal further explains:
“In addition to expert conferences and symposia, the accompanying cultural programme with country and culture days make the SDE21»22 a multifaceted international event. Our motto is ‘Sustainable building and living at your fingertips’.”
True to the spirit of the Solar Decathlon Europe, there was age-appropriate tours and dedicated excursion days for schoolchildren. These inspired and empowered the youth to develop the intellectual, emotional, and creative capacities to tackle contemporary socio-ecological challenges.
A Note on Covid-19 Compliance
Various health and safety protocols were implemented to ensure public hygiene was maintained across the event area, which is approximately 44 000 m2. Dr. Daniel Lorberg from the University of Wuppertal explains that multiple scenarios were prepared for to ensure a safe event for everyone:
“This applies to, for example, arrival and departure traffic, as well as possible queuing on-site. In addition to general measures, we envisage limiting the number of visitors who can be in the area at the same time, and a ticketing system. In this way, we will simultaneously counter possible risks and relieve the traffic situation in the district.”
Those who are not able to attend the event in-person were able to follow online live stream videos and immersive 3D digital tours.
International Voices
This international gathering of young, ambitious, and creative building scientists will be a gateway for learning. Broad audiences will have hands-on access to new knowledge. Louise Holloway, from the Energy Endeavour Foundation, the SDE’s governing body, urges:
“The Solar Decathlon Europe is one-of-a-kind. Join us for an immersive experience, a singular opportunity to exchange and share with our next generation of clean-energy makers and doers, tomorrow’s professionals, who will gather in Germany, from all over the world.”
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