sde21_ call for teams

The Energy Endeavour Foundation & the SDE21 Organisers in Wuppertal, Germany, have received numerous proposals from Teams & corresponding institutions interested in a brand new Solar Decathlon Europe edition, scheduled for 2021.

The official SDE21 Call for Teams was announced on March 29th, 2019 with an official deadline for submissions of October 25th, 2019. The announcement included a documentation package, which clearly outlined the criteria and evaluation process of the Call for Teams. The results of the selection process has been made public on January 16 2020. Find the official announcement here:

Additional documentation has been prepared in an update to the files.
This update is being issued in order to:
1. provide more detail on the Urban Situations (Addendum A);
2. describe the application process in a nutshell (Addendum B);
3. assist in the understanding of sections six (6) and seven (7)(simplification of these sections Addendum C).

Point three was specially incorporated according to questions from applicants, to reinforce the fundamental necessities in the application and evaluation process. In this update, you will find a concentrated version of sections six (6) and seven (7) that focus on the specific items required for your application; the fundamental criteria for evaluation are also emphasised. Addendum 3 clearly indicates the deleted texts. There are no changes in other sections. Please note that the original Call and the update are fully compliant with each other. Also, please be reassured that all of the components you have developed based on the original document will be compliant with this updated version of the Call.

Call for Teams Update Documents

sde21 Rules Version 2.1

Original Official Call for Teams

Questions regarding the application process have been sent to the Energy Endeavour Foundation at: